Management Board
Management & Supervisory Board Compensation Report
The compensation report explains the application of the compensation system for management board and supervisory board members of All for One Group SE in compliance with the specifications of Section 162 German Stock Corporation Act [Aktiengesetz, AktG], describing the amounts and structure of the compensation granted and owed individually to current and former members of the management and supervisory boards in financial year 2023/24. The compensation report reflects the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) as amended on 28 April 2022.
Compensation System for the Management Board
Fixed and variable, financial and non-financial components
The compensation system for the management board is a key element in the corporate strategy of All for One Group. Thus, the compensation structure is designed to promote the sustainable and long-term development of the Group. The compensation system includes both non-performance-related (fixed) and performance-related (variable) components. Both short-term (variable) and long-term (variable) compensation provide for the possibility to set individual financial and non-financial target components.
Overview and relative shares subject to 100% target achievement
1. |
Non-performance-related (fixed) compensation components |
Share of total target compensation: Cap: |
40% – 60% KEUR 550 per financial year |
Basic salary | |||
Fringe benefits | |||
Pension | Cap: | Max. 30% of basic salary | |
2. |
Performance-related (variable) compensation components |
Share of total target compensation: Cap: |
40% – 60% 200% of the agreed non-performance-related compensation per financial year |
STI: Short-term (one year) compensation | Share of total target compensation: | 20% – 30% of total compensation | |
LTI: Long-term (multi-year) compensation | Share of total target compensation: | 20% – 30% of total compensation |
If the set targets are exceeded, the variable compensation components can amount in total to no more than double the non-performance-related compensation for the financial year in question. The relative share of variable components to maximum compensation in such instances is two-thirds of the total compensation.
Documentation: Management Board Compensation System
Download the management board compensation system, which was approved by the annual general meeting on 11 March 2021.
Compensation System for the Management Board
Only available in German
Resolution of Annual General Meeting on Management Board Compensation System