Our Smart Factory approach builds on real-time data exchange over standardised interfaces between the SAP ERP and the machine facilities. This gives you real-time information, for example, about the progress of production or orders, or about individual work centres. You can also obtain data for use in predictive scenarios.
Our SAP-orientated solution offers an quick, easy introduction to intelligent and interconnected production: it comprises a service component and a production component.
A scaleable service component builds on central condition monitoring, reducing reaction times for errors or malfunctions. In more complex scenarios, greater data volumes are collected and then automatically evaluated. Smart Factory is at the core of this, with the goal of learning from analyses of the past and deriving from these analyses statements on the future (predictive maintenance).
The production component builds on machine-based operating data entry and supports you by comparing planned time with actual runtime, continually improving your planning through optimisations to cycle and planned times. Here, predictions can also be improved by observing the past and using the continual growth of the data basis.
You can use Smart Factory to optimise processes in both production and maintenance, and in planning. Examples of this include event-based integration and initiation of service processes, information about current production operations via access to the exact piece count and real-time productivity analyses of individual work centres or facilities.
Our solution allows flexible configuration and is built on standardised interfaces to cloud and machine data connections (in particular via OPC UA). In turn, this means the implementation and integration offer great flexibility.